Category: Research

  • Are you Enlightened?

    Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash I just finished reading Steven Pinker’s book Enlightenment Now. It should be compulsory reading for everyone. It isn’t an easy read either so at times I found myself reading certain sections a couple of times to understand the complex concepts. It is a critical read because essentially it is about how we…

  • Robots can’t do this!

    Photo by James Pond on Unsplash I have been talking a lot lately about robotics and AI. It comes up in almost every discussion when you are talking about work performance and productivity. Fortunately there are some areas that will most likely not be affected. Check out the list in this article and see if it applies to…

  • Productive meetings

    Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash One of the big questions in regard to productive, effective meetings is how many people should attend. The basic answer to that is only the right people but how many of the right people. HBR has released some research which indicates that it should only be somewhere between 5 to 8 meeting attendees.…

  • Emotional Intelligence Test

    Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash Last week and again this week I will be conducting some emotional intelligence training. I often get asked if there is a reasonable free test online and after playing around a little I have found that the test below is probably the best you are going to get for free. Try it…

  • Ah, Compassion!

    Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash I have been doing a lot of training around effective leadership this week. One aspect of that (and there are many) is compassion. What is compassion? Read the article below and take the compassion assessment and then consider how you can demonstrate compassion. Read the article here

  • Soft Skills

    Photo by Yuriy Kovalev on Unsplash A great deal of my training is essentially the development of soft skills. Conflict resolution, communication, emotional intelligence etc. Often this is not regarded as important as the so called hard skills such as programming, scheduling, planning etc. It’s always rewarding then when you see more and more research indicating that soft…

  • Can we train creativity?

    Photo by David Clode on Unsplash The answer to my posts title is no. At least I don’t think so, not yet. I can train you in certain methods techniques etc which may provide some new insights but true creativity is something going on in your brain that I don’t believe I can touch or influence. The article…

  • Back to work

    Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash How was your weekend? I actually had a good week – off. Really, the only week I haven’t done any work even during Christmas and New Year. But now I am back with a whole set of deadlines and three days of delivery. It is difficult to keep up with all the…

  • Innovation a science

    Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash I have been talking to a number of groups about innovation over the last few weeks. I think the word often throws people off as they are looking for that transformational innovation which is a completely new idea, product or service. This actually doesn’t happen very often and is very difficult to…

  • Meditation

    Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash Meditation has been around for a long time but it is really making a big comeback, particularly in business management and leadership. There are many resources available but this short article is a good primer and also points you to a new book that backs up all of the claims with scientific…