Category: Communication

  • Zoom Doom?

    Don’t get me wrong in this post. I am a big fan of elearning. I have been since the 90’s. I was actually doing a great deal of elearning towards the end of the 90’s and after but it seemed to trickle away or maybe I was just caught up in the face to face…

  • Resilience and Calm

    I was going down to the store yesterday to get some supplies for a training activity I am using today. Unfortunately I had to witness the chaos, stupidity and general lack of resilience displayed by my local community. Yes, there were still people out there buying rolls and rolls of toilet paper and when I…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Being Yourself

    How’s your Sunday going? Unfortunately this weekend I have been working on some design work. During the research phase I found a very interesting video. It is funny and deep at the same time. You can watch it and just have a laugh or you can watch it and maybe contemplate it’s meaning over the…

  • Confident Conflict

    I am currently completing the design of a program on Conflict and I needed a practical video which fitted with the overall outcomes. I found this video and maybe you will be able to use it sometime.

  • Strategic Errors

    I am currently working on (many things) a strategic planning workshop and came across this article on strategic errors. They are quite funny, tragic and amazing. The first thought is, how could you make a mistake this big. But, in the moment it probably made sense. Enjoy – read the article here.

  • Conflict Resolution

    I was putting together a training program on conflict resolution this weekend and was tapping into a lot of resources that I have used in the past. I remembered that there was also some good resources at The Conflict Resolution Network. If you haven’t been to this website, time to go there. It has a…

  • Trust

    I am delivering some training over the next few weeks and one of the topics is trust. It is always an area of great interest to me because on the face of it is so complex. But then, there are some simple principles as well. I really like the article below as it breaks down…

  • Psychological Safety

    I have talked a lot about the concept of psychological safety in my training for years, especially as I now deliver a fair amount of training to NSW Health employees who have a value called openness which to me is the same as psychological safety. I always thought that this concept came from studies that…

  • National HR Summit

    Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash I would be lucky if I go to one conference every couple of years. I generally don’t have the time. I have booked in for the National HR Summit in Sydney next year though. It is on the 26th and 27th of March. Check out the program. Looks very good. Hope I…

  • Modern management

    I am delivering a 3 day project management course this week and I know that my biggest challenge is to get the participants to understand that project management is all about people management. You can have a great logical plan but if the people are not engaged then……..Watch the video below. It’s not about PM…