Category: Management

  • Strategic Errors

    I am currently working on (many things) a strategic planning workshop and came across this article on strategic errors. They are quite funny, tragic and amazing. The first thought is, how could you make a mistake this big. But, in the moment it probably made sense. Enjoy – read the article here.

  • Leadership Videos

    Just putting together a high level leadership program. Been researching, reading and watching lots of videos. Here is a collection of videos that I think are very useful. Watch and learn.

  • Trust

    I am delivering some training over the next few weeks and one of the topics is trust. It is always an area of great interest to me because on the face of it is so complex. But then, there are some simple principles as well. I really like the article below as it breaks down…

  • Happy Workplaces

    Are you happy at work? I go to a lot of workplaces and unfortunately I don’t see too many happy people. There’s some out there but not many. A lot of the training I do around leadership is meant to assist in creating productive, happy workplaces but too many managers and leaders struggle to change…

  • Psychological Safety

    I have talked a lot about the concept of psychological safety in my training for years, especially as I now deliver a fair amount of training to NSW Health employees who have a value called openness which to me is the same as psychological safety. I always thought that this concept came from studies that…

  • Learned Helplessness

    I often ask people if they have heard the term learned helplessness and yes, I am overwhelmingly surprised by the answer “No”. The video below explains one way of looking at this but it is also applicable to management/leadership. Managers’ egos like being asked questions about how to do things. You feel good when you…

  • A Better Manager

    Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash Most of my training and development is around how to be a better manager. I think I will have a job for as long as I want one as many managers just don’t seem to get it. It’s not that difficult to be a better manager, just be a better person and…

  • Trust, Trust, Trust!

    Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash I talk about trust a lot. A lot more than I ever thought I would but trust is what holds organisations together and for that matter society. Lack of trust leads to gossip, fear and chaos. In an organisation trust must exist between the senior managers, managers, the employees and the customers.…

  • Ah, Compassion!

    Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash I have been doing a lot of training around effective leadership this week. One aspect of that (and there are many) is compassion. What is compassion? Read the article below and take the compassion assessment and then consider how you can demonstrate compassion. Read the article here

  • Managing teams effectively

    Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash I am spending the next two days training a group of health professionals (32) on how to manage teams more effectively from building capability, managing motivation and change through to managing conflict and performance issues. It will be an engaging two days. I know that I will refer to Googles research regarding…