Category: Creativity & Innovation

  • Creativity

    I am currently doing some research on creativity for a program and found this video. Good outline of creativity and an intersting challenge at the end of the video. Try it out.

  • Critical Thinking

    Photo by Cristofer Jeschke on Unsplash I posted a video last Friday on decision making. Good decision making also requires critical thinking skills. This has never been so important. Read the article below with some great tips and resources to assist you to develop your critical thinking skills. A good primer to the topic is outlined in the…

  • Engaging Graphs

    Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash I was delivering a program on analysing and presenting research information this week and I always provide examples of engaging graphs. I was asked how you create such graphs. Well here is one site. You can try the free stuff and if your really need it you can pay for a more…

  • Innovative teams

    Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash I do a lot of training around the topics of innovation, teamwork and leadership and I am constantly reading articles, books etc on the topic. Here is a really useful and interesting set of resources from Google on the three topics. Read it here.

  • Brainstorming

    Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash I have been talking about brainstorming a lot over the last few weeks. I think it is a great process if you can do it properly ie with no filters. The video below though points out many of the dangers of poor brainstorming. Can’t see the video – click here

  • Google Tools

    Photo by Elyssa Zornes on Unsplash I use a lot of Google products and tools from Drive to Tasks to Photos. They are great and they are free. I am currently thinking about paying for an upgrade on Drive so that I can back up my whole system. I am pretty sure that I don’t know all of…

  • Can we train creativity?

    Photo by David Clode on Unsplash The answer to my posts title is no. At least I don’t think so, not yet. I can train you in certain methods techniques etc which may provide some new insights but true creativity is something going on in your brain that I don’t believe I can touch or influence. The article…

  • Innovation a science

    Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash I have been talking to a number of groups about innovation over the last few weeks. I think the word often throws people off as they are looking for that transformational innovation which is a completely new idea, product or service. This actually doesn’t happen very often and is very difficult to…

  • Values and teamwork

    Photo by Mathias Jensen on Unsplash Last week I was in Bega delivering a series of programs around values and their importance to teamwork and achieving organisational goals. I think that a lot of managers and employees believe that values are just something you find on the wall in poster form, particularly in the head office reception area.…

  • Removing the box

    Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash I am and have been delivering some training around innovation and continuous improvement. Great area of study but difficult to train people in as it really requires you to start thinking differently. The article is an excellent starter with some good material on some of the innovation tools such as six sigma.…