Category: Health

  • Time management

    For some unknown reason I have been delivering quite a few time management programs lately. Maybe this is just due to the fact that many of us seem overwhelmed with life and what we want to do and achieve and the time frame we have to be able to do this. Generally speaking I am…

  • Training and stress

    Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash Training and teaching can be stressful. It can also make you quite tired. I have my own strategies to deal with this which include rest, running and a healthy diet. I also have periods of just tuning out using reading an Netflix to achieve that. The article below has 5 tips for…

  • Fatigue and the trainers performance

    Photo by Ana Martin on Unsplash Recently I conducted a fairly standard training day and for me it just didn’t click. I couldn’t at the time put my finger on what was wrong but afterwards I realised it was fatigue. I was tired. It wasn’t just work. I had a lot of stuff going on…

  • Start Running

    The year is nearly over and I assume that many of you are currently on holidays or about to go on holidays. A lot of people use this time to start some exercise regimen. Why not start running? Running has always been a part of my life. It helps me to relax. It keeps me…

  • Stress and You

    Photo by Jeremy Thomas I have a few stressful weeks coming up before the Christmas break. Christmas itself is stressful enough. I have also been talking to a lot of students who are trying desperately to finish off assessments before the end of the year. Here is a good article on stress with links to 6…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Back Pain

    How’s your Sunday and how’s your back. If you have a bad back like me (and like millions of others) then you often find that you can’t do what you would like to be doing on the weekend due to back pain and spasms. I have been trialling this weird little exercise over the last…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Relax

    Hi. I hope your Sunday is going well. I have written about meditation before and I am aware that many people think it is silly or they just can’t handle it. Why not just give it a small try today. You can follow the video below. It is a guided meditation. Just one of the…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Balance

    How’s your Sunday going. Hope it is relaxing and not like me another day of work. I have been flat out for a few weeks now and definitely for the next few weeks. Every day, and also many nights. I’m not complaining as I generally enjoy what I do and I do get some good…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Stretch into the new week

    I hope your long weekend is going well. The weather in my part of the world isn’t great but that is a good excuse to catch up on some home office work. I have a very busy period ahead in the office as I am designing a range of programs. One thing I am aware…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Get Active

    How is your Sunday going? What a great day to get active. What does your activity look like? For me, I am out chopping wood today ie clearing parts of my property. Below are some extreme forms of activity. I think it is safe to assume that most of us will not be doing what…