Month: May 2015

  • Teens and media

    I caught this great article the other day courtesy of makeuseof about teens and their media usage. It incorporates a great graphic which I have included below. Check out the original article here. Many of us are training participants who are coming out of their teens and it is important that we understand how their…

  • Emotional Intelligence

    I get a lot of questions about emotional intelligence and also the majority of my delivery and instructional design relies on good emotional intelligence principles. If you need a bit of an update on what it means and what it consists of the slideshow below will help. How emotionally intelligent are you? from Daniel Goleman…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Successful

    What does being successful mean to you? Success doesn’t equal money for me. I think it did once, when I was younger but now it means living the kind of life that I want to live, comfortably. Hey, money has helped me to achieve this but I could earn a great deal more if I…

  • New Education Models

    I heard Stanley Litow speak at the Next Big Thing conference. He is a very articulate and passionate man. He has been very successful and has many high level backers of his new approach to education including Obama and some educational leaders in Australia. Watch the video below for a brief description of the P-Tech…

  • Leadership

    When you are the trainer you are a leader. You are leading people to achieve their own learning goals and of course in most cases you are leading them to achieve a particular set of goals that the organisation wants them to achieve. It isn’t exactly the same as a business leader but many of…

  • I like lectures

    I have been critical of lectures in the past as they are not the most effective way of teaching people but they are still useful. While watching the video below I reflected on my own experience of lectures and realised that I really do enjoy them, but only if the lecturer has at least some…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Catching some Zed’s

    Sunday is a great day to catch up on a bit of sleep. Unfortunately sleep doesn’t work that way, ie you can’t catch up on sleep lost but it still feels good to get a longer sleep in than normal. I guess it depends on how busy your week was. If you are having trouble…

  • Innovation

    The term innovation is thrown around a lot and sort after just as much. Not many can claim to be innovative. Peter Thiel is one person who can claim to be an innovator. If you have a spare hour watch the video below to gain some understanding of the future of innovation. Can’t see the…