Viral Training, is it possible?

I just liked this video (see below). I am puzzled by the whole viral thing though. Why does one video gets more hits than another? Some of my own training videos have had a lot of hits (nothing really compared to a viral video) while others have had very little and I can’t work out why? Kevin explains it below and by the way what a great job he has. Do you think you could create a viral training video? A video that would inspire millions to watch it and learn. That intrigues me. Can you create a viral training program that people just want to attend and learn from. I think you can if you put in sufficient effort and start to think of learning as not training but more as a participative, fun, interactive and social process. Most of the training I see and write for that matter really doesn’t achieve those qualities, not to the extreme extent of what we see on the internet. How would you start?



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