This is one of the most straight forward common sense video’s I have seen but very applicable to trainers. I have been delivering a lot of project management training over the last few months and it dawned on me after watching this video that I had been telling potential project managers that they really need to get used to the trail and error approach to project management. You obviously need to be very careful here as you obviously need to project plan but if you spend 1000’s of hours trying to get the plan project you are wasting your time. You need to have a plan, allow for some variation and get on with the project knowing that aspects will change. The vast majority of projects do not go according to plan and hence you have to decide when it is time to stop planning and start.

I have watched trainers and in particular potential trainers getting overly concerned about session design, time allocation and perfect control. You have to let it go and know that even the best session plan may not work on the day. I love it when a session plan works, as I wrote it, and visualised it, but I don’t agonise over the design and blindly follow the plan even when it isn’t working.

The main point I wanted to make is the as a trainer you can never improve unless you try new things, new activities, trial new delivery methods on different topics. To improve you must change, which means you must experiment, which means you must trial new things and be prepared to make some errors. The key is learning from the errors.

If you don’t apply trial and error training you will just get very consistent at what you are already good at. What have you trialed recently? Did it work? What did you learn?



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