Internet speed and big video files


Since producing the first Ask Logicool video I have had a number of questions about slow downloads, why can’t I see it, appears to stall etc. This is all due to (95% of it) broadband speed. In many other countries you could just watch this video like you would TV. If you want to check your speed go to this website and run the test and then compare it to world results. Doesn’t look good does it? Here are some tips that could help you though in being able to watch a long video like Ask Logicool.

  1. There are busy times of the days so try to watch videos at low traffic times. For me that seems to be early morning and late at night.
  2. You can down load the videos from BlipTv which is where Ask Logicool is held. The download area is on the right and to the bottom of the screen. It is called Files and Links. Press on the plus button. Click on the save flash video and it will be downloaded to your computer. It might take a little while. Go for a walk and then come back and watch it. All of my videos are under creative commons and you can use them and show them elsewhere as long as you acknowledge the author: Logicool Solutions.
  3. When the video starts to load, wait for it to start and then hit the pause button. You will notice that a slightly greyer line grows to the right. Let it go for a few minutes. What it is doing is downloading it to your computer. When your speed is high the slightly greyer line will always be ahead of the play line and it will not stall.
  4. Download itunes. This is a far better way to watch the video and it also means that you will get automatic updates. It will still take a while to download but this can happen in the background while you are typing emails etc. I know that this is something else to learn but itunes has an incredible  library of great podcasts and music that you are really missing out on if you don’t have it on your computer. Ask logicool is broadcast on itunes for this reason.

I hope that helps. You  can probably start to understand why fast broadband is a huge issue in Australia and around the world. If  broadband is fast, web conferencing, streaming video and a multitude of other applications are possible. It changes the business world and for us it will have a dramatic effect on the training and educational world.


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