Month: December 2010

  • Merry Christmas

    Sorry for not posting recently. I am sure, like me, you have been busy with the usual stuff that is happening at this time of the year. Well it is now time to relax and enjoy the festive season. I am going to enjoy the next period of eating and drinking and spending time with…

  • Brainstorming & Mind Mapping

    What is the difference between mind mapping and brain storming. Well you have two links there that should tell you. I am not sure that I have it right so I am interested in what you think. Here is my take on the difference. Brainstorming is a group activity where you list options, items etc.…

  • Happy Brains

    Listen to this short podcast on how happy brains perform better. Probably not surprising. I ask training groups all the time what makes a training session better than average and one of the most consistent responses is a humorous, fun session. It is also one of my measures of success. If the program was fun…

  • Training News, National VET and ePortfolio’s

    I know this is Australian news regarding training but it will also be interesting for trainers in other countries. First bit of news is that the first step towards a National Vet system has occurred. Read the article here to understand how this will work. I’m still confused how two states manage to not be…

  • Cheating Big Time

    Following my last post on cheating here is the YouTube version of the big cheating scandal at the University of Central Florida. It is a very interesting speech and explores the whole process of cheating. I am intrigued by his comments towards the end regarding cheating being over, forever. I wonder if he truly believes…