Month: February 2014

  • Why we do it?

    There are some odd ideas out there about why teachers teach or trainers train. I often here about the money, holidays and easy workload. Rubbish of course. Some of us just enjoy it. Many love the feeling of being able to help people learn and develop. Watch the video and get ready to answer that…

  • Programming

    Education and technology (already here) are inevitable. I have said it before but you will need to understand the technology and you will need to be able to use it. For some, learning some basic programming skills would be very beneficial. I am currently working on a project with a number of designers and programmers…

  • More MOOCs

    I am enrolled in a couple of MOOC’s right now. Personally I think they are great but I can see why some might not think so. I really don’t see their long term viability as they are free (maybe not for long). Would I pay to do one? Depending on the price I think I…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Successful Habits

    Here are two articles on habits that successful people appear to have. The theory goes that if it works for them then maybe it will assist you to be more successful. How many do you currently do now? Do you class yourself as successful? Now there’s a question for a sleepy Sunday. 12 Things Successful…