Moving Sites

I thought it would be a good idea to copy an email I received this week in relation to how to copy a google site to another google site location. It has come up in discussion a number of times and maybe useful for some of you at some point. This information came to me via a google group on eportfolios headed up by Helen Barrett. It has important implications if you setup sites in a certain domain and then participants want to move them to their own google accounts.

Good Morning Everyone!

Yesterday I got the best email from Google! They have added a new copy feature to Google Sites that allows a site to be moved from an educational domain into a personal account. This is a vital feature for us if we were going to try to use Google Sites to facilitate e-portfolios. I’ve outlined the instructions below. This has totally made my day!!


Moving a Google Site out of an Educational Domain

Note: The following set of instructions assume that the user has two Google accounts which include an account from within the ed domain as well as a personal Google account.

Steps to take place under the Educational Domain:

1.       To begin, open the site from within the educational domain.

2.       Go to More Actions à Manage Site.

3.       Select the “Sharing” option under site settings.

4.       In the section titled “Invite people to join site as owner” type in the email address of the personal account. This will be the new owner.

5.       Make selections under Advanced Permissions as needed.

6.       Click Invite these people. This will send an email to the account listed above which will include a link to the sites current location under the     ed  domain.

Steps to take place in the personal Google account:

1.       Open Google account and Gmail to view the link to the account we just shared.

2.       This will take you to the Ed Domain log in page. At the bottom of the sign in section there is an option to “Sign in with a different account”. Enter the personal account log in and password here.

3.       Once you are logged in, open the site and click the More Actions –> Manage Site options.

4.       Select the General option.

5.       At the bottom of the screen in the Site Actions Section there is now an option to Copy this Site. Select this.

6.       Type in the site name and take note of the new URL which should read:

7. site name here)

8.       Click the button to Copy Site.

To remove the school account as an owner of the site:

Go to More Actions –> Sharing and remove the school account as an owner of the site.

At any point the school site can now be deleted.


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