Australian Education System – Can there ever be a balanced debate?


Please read this article first. I like it. It isn’t necessarily balanced but it is fair I think. Read the comments below it and your blood will start to boil depending on which side of the fence you belong to. I guess anything I add will be either be seen as stupid or wow, what a good idea.

What troubles me about the debate is that it goes around and around in circles and nothing ever amounts from it. For me this has been happening now for over 30 years and I haven’t really seen any significant change to the overall approach.

What would I like to see?

Strategy formed by solid research findings with innovation thrown in. I don’t really care what they do in another country because they are another country. If you place the world above us as the educational standard then you are only raising the Australian standard (when we get there?) to medicority. If the other countries are as good as the research indicates, by the time we get there, they would have already moved on.

Australia, think for yourself. Plan the educational system that works for us, our culture, our future, our budget, based on good, sound research, not on the political whims of a political party trying to score votes for an election.

Many of us have had at least 10 to 12 years of education (or more). Fixing the system will probably take as long as that – not a political period.


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