How Technology Forster e-Learning (tools), for example, Vodcast, Podcast, Youtube …

How Technology Forster e-Learning (tools), for example, Vodcast, Podcast, Youtube …

In my experience, technology is used to support learning through computer-assisted instruction, tutorial, drill-and-practice and knowledge construction. Indeed, I would like to explore the concepts for e-Learning / technology on the following;

  • representing learner’s idea, understanding, and beliefs, for accessing needed information and comparing perspectives;
  • representing and simulating meaningful to real-world problems, situation and contexts are more controllable, compromises flexibility;
  • defining a safe, controllable problem space for student thinking and suits their needs, retrieve and respond feedbacks and contextualize it;
  • collaborating with others, discussing, arguing and building consensus among members of a community for further development with confidence;
  • supporting discourse among knowledge-building communities by sharing through forum discussions and continues improvement;
  • Articulate and represent what they know and reflecting on what they have learned and how they came to know within a set timeframe.

Applying the theory of cooperative Learning to e-Learning profile: –
The challenges and benefits of using cooperative groups in e –Learning design and development include collaborative help-seeking and help-giving, increased use of metacognitive (cognitive domain) and elaboration (learning style) strategies, the accommodation of individual differences, self reflection, increased motivation and positive attitudes towards learning and increased performance. As Piaget (1978) outlined that learners should actively create their own knowledge through direct experience with objects (images), people, and ideas and try to make sense. Constructivist (criterion) principles emphasize student reflection, inquiry, and higher order thinking / planning skills. Allow student responses to drive lessons, shift instructional strategies, and alter content, such as classify, analyze, predict, and create.

Knowledge objectives are forwarded…
I would precisely focus on Learning and development of knowledge and understanding, “effective domain”, is to take place as a result of trainer / facilitator use of educational multimedia and how it is be integrated with forms of technical / knowledge used. I believe this purposeful, developed e-Learning resources serves: for simulation, directed or structured learning process to extend learners / participants subject experience and that suits individual needs. Demonstrates learner’s ability to follow the basic procedures for selecting, modifying, and designing materials, indicating when each choice is appropriate. Identify general showmanship techniques in reference to planning, practice, and presentation. Indeed, described methods for eliciting student participation during instruction when using media and technology. Compare and contrast the techniques for evaluating learners / participant’s achievement, media and contextualized methods through their prescribed learning engagements.

Learning with technology “e- Learning “…
My views it is believed that traditionally, technology have been used to teach students is classroom-based, chalk-and-talk, test and examinations. They have been used to deliver and communicate messages to a range of learners, who, it is hoped, comprehend those messages and learn from them. The underlying assumption is that learners learn from modern technology – that is, students learn from watching instructional programs, for example, video recordings, networks and television, responding to programmed instruction or computer – assisted instruction frames, just as they learn from listening to a lecture by the teacher. These views assume that knowledge can be transmitted from teacher to the student and that knowledge can be embedded in technology-based lessons and transmitted to the participants.

…and frequently questions been asked;
How can technology best enhance meaning full learning? 


What skills and support do trainers / facilitators need to develop and be provided with in order to produce good quality e-Learning context?

What cognitive mapping of subject knowledge and processes do teachers / facilitators need to under take before in-house multi-media, is planned, developed and produced?

What might be the impact of twenty-first century interactive these multimedia (e-Learning tools) technology on a print-based nineteenth century curriculum?

What are the limitations for designing and developing e-Learning assessment strategies in general/universal that ensures principle of assessments is followed?

There’s a great conference coming up in Mooloolaba, Queensland (Sunshine Coast) 19 – 20 November – that’s the Learning Technologies conference.Reference;

The website and information should be up in the next month or so – here is the link – you’ll see all the info from last year (2008):

Piaget, 1978 Qualitative Sociology – “Symbolic Interactive practice”

Thank you for your time



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