Month: January 2018

  • Google Tools

    Photo by Elyssa Zornes on Unsplash I use a lot of Google products and tools from Drive to Tasks to Photos. They are great and they are free. I am currently thinking about paying for an upgrade on Drive so that I can back up my whole system. I am pretty sure that I don’t know all of…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Value & Worth

    Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash How’s your Sunday going? For people in OZ it is a long weekend because of Australia Day. Hope you are enjoying it. This week I have been working on a complex program, part of which involves conflict, negotiation and conflict resolution. By chance I found a great video related to negotiation and…

  • Mind Fitness

    I had a very interesting discussion with a colleague about a program I will be running soon, It is on emotional intelligence. Complex concept and many ways you can tackle it as a facilitator. One way is to venture into meditation. I have written posts on this before. I understand that not everyone is open…

  • Video downloader – Wow!

    Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash I tried this video downloader out on the weekend and it is great. Very handy to have the video on your own computer or on a USB when you are in areas where the internet is dodgy or just doesn’t exist. It is much better than the previous one I had used.…

  • Sunday Zephyr – Read more this year

    How is your Sunday going? Mine started with at least an hour of reading. Did yours? I think reading is so important. I don’t care what you read there is just too much research and evidence out there that indicates that reading is good for your brain and your soul. For educators I think it…

  • Can we train creativity?

    Photo by David Clode on Unsplash The answer to my posts title is no. At least I don’t think so, not yet. I can train you in certain methods techniques etc which may provide some new insights but true creativity is something going on in your brain that I don’t believe I can touch or influence. The article…

  • Back to work

    Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash How was your weekend? I actually had a good week – off. Really, the only week I haven’t done any work even during Christmas and New Year. But now I am back with a whole set of deadlines and three days of delivery. It is difficult to keep up with all the…

  • Me and my audience

    Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash Are you competent? Is the audience competent? Do they answer your understanding questions accurately? Watch the video below. Can’t see the video – click here

  • Story Telling

      If you have ever been a participant in one of my programs you will know that I use a lot of stories to get my point across. That was just a natural thing for me to do. It’s the way I was brought up but many trainers I have found don’t use stories and…

  • Sunday Zephyr – 2018 Yikes

    Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash How is your Sunday going? By the way I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. The video below is a bit dark but it is a not too subtle reminder of how we have treated the environment and others over many years. As trainers, educators and assessors it is…