Month: August 2009

  • Moving Sites

    I thought it would be a good idea to copy an email I received this week in relation to how to copy a google site to another google site location. It has come up in discussion a number of times and maybe useful for some of you at some point. This information came to me…

  • Transitions

    Article by guest blogger: Marilyn Smith   The use of transitions in training develops and extends facilitation and learning practices.  I have been practicing transitions in my training sessions for some time and find them to be very effective. Transitions act as a marker, a break signalling a change when facilitating. The use of transitions…

  • The rules of training?

    I was listening to a podcast which was covering the topic of poligamy (multiple wives) and the author was discussing whether this was right or wrong and the rules. I started to think, for some unknown reason, what are the rules for this?  Who decided on these rules? Well in this case it appears to…

  • Something to think about – Free Education?

    I thought it would be a good idea to pass on this link to another blog site as it refers to an interesting comment on free education. What impact do you think that this will have on training? At present, to the best of my knowledge in the VET sector no one has released their…

  • Designing Learning Strategies

    I’m not sure if everyone has seen this yet but the Australian Flexible Learning Framework has just released a new tool which takes you through a series of steps to eventually design a Learning Strategy for a certain group of learners. Even if you don’t use all of the final document that it will produce…

  • Writing Blogs

    I often get asked by students why they should write a blog. Occasional in training programs that I have conducted the use of a blog or a reflective learning journal is part of the assessment process and again participants question the reasoning behind having to complete one. Dr Helen Barrett is acknowledged as a world…